
Your daily horoscope: July 2, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYMercury moves into the financial area of your chart on your birthday, so your thoughts will be drawn to matters relating to what you own and what you earn. Remember,...

Your daily horoscope: June 27

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYOpportunities to excel will come thick and fast over the year ahead and your only real problem is going to be picking and choosing between them. You cannot possibly do...

Your daily horoscope: June 10, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYLife will move at such a frantic pace over the coming year that if you don’t slow down occasionally you could burn yourself out physically, mentally and maybe emotionally too....

Your daily horoscope: June 3, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYNot only does Mercury move into your sign on your birthday but luck planet Jupiter is very much on your side as well, so aim higher, push harder and don’t...

Your lookahead horoscope for the week: June 2, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYYou will be under divine guidance over the next 12 months and can turn your hand successfully to almost anything you choose. Listen to what your inner voice tells you...
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Nurses at Framingham Union Hospital file complaint, claim unsafe conditions

Nurses at Framingham Union Hospital are the latest healthcare workers to sound an alarm over patient safety while laying...
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