
Your daily horoscope: July 5, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYNot only is there a new moon on your birthday but Mars and Saturn are strong as well, which means the coming year could be and should be the most...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Thursday, July 4

Your Independence Day festivities are backed by playful and spontaneous cosmic energy. The day begins with the moon in spirited Gemini, bringing a playful, chatty, and light-hearted vibe. Conversations are flowing, and making others laugh and smile will be...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Tuesday, July 2

You’ve got fun on your mind as Mercury, the planet of perspective, enters theatrical Leo. This charismatic cosmic shift lends you the courage to express yourself confidently and playfully. Speak from the heart and be proud of your ideas.A...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Monday, July 1

The moon conjoins with stubborn Mars in Taurus this morning. This means your practical attitude and determination will help you endure boring tasks on your to-do list. There’s always a more efficient way to complete a task. Don’t dig...

Your daily horoscope: June 29, 2024

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYAlthough Saturn is strong on your birthday this year you must stay positive in your outlook, especially where one-to-one relationships are concerned. For every setback you encounter there will be...

July Horoscope: The 5 Signs Reevaluating Their Relationships This Month

June was a whirlwind and a half, wasn’t it? The alignment of most personal planets (the sun, Mercury, and Venus in particular) with Jupiter, all in the sign of Gemini, left us buzzing. But now, as we step into...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Friday, June 28

After a quick confrontation with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, the moon charges into fierce Aries. An intense dream could sour your mood or fuel your ambition and inspiration. Decide how you want to seize the day.Sensitive and reactive energy...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Thursday, June 27

The moon, the ruler of your emotions, links up with Saturn in Pisces and puts pressure on you to be emotionally mature. Use your morning to get into the right headspace and gather strength. You will find your voice...

Your daily horoscope: June 27

Open this photo in gallery:HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYOpportunities to excel will come thick and fast over the year ahead and your only real problem is going to be picking and choosing between them. You cannot possibly do...

Here’s Your Horoscope For Wednesday, June 26

Expect a sensitive and unfocused start to your morning. The moon’s ingress into psychedelic Pisces elevates your optimism and faith. However, delirious daydreams are blocking your productivity.Thankfully, Mercury, our planet of mindset, is in touch with Saturn all day....
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Taylor Twellman discussed the Revolution’s playoff chances and the ongoing Everett stadium bid

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