You may well be ready to take the next step in a major long-term ambition. What’s more, your stars are indicating the chance of a very pleasant windfall. We’ve all got a crock of gold at the end of...
Sunday comes with powerful energy as the Moon spends the day in Aries alongside Mars, the ruler of Aries. Mars brings out the best and worst sides of the Moon. We can be irritable and easily angered. We can...
The Aries moon makes us feel bold and like we can handle anything that comes our way. In relationships, under the Aries moon energy, we're spontaneous and attentive. Chemistry is also off the charts, so if you're looking for...
The Aries moon makes us feel bold and like we can handle anything that comes our way. In relationships, under the Aries moon energy, we're spontaneous and attentive. Chemistry is also off the charts, so if you're looking for...
It’s a generally favourable day to put out feelers and approach people whose support would be useful. Remember, though, that it’s essential to find ways of doing things that are completely different from whatever was done in the past....
With the moon in dreamy Pisces for one last day before moving into impulsive Aries, it's a good time to focus on relationships and spend time thinking before you're undoubtedly urged to act under Aries' fiery energy.What today's love...
A sweet day is ahead for everyone on Friday, May 31, 2024. Not only is it the last day of the month, but the energy on this day is all about love and recognizing who loves you. After all,...
Your daily tarot card reading is here with predictions for May 31, 2024. As the North Node in Aries opposes Lilith in Libra, we're urged to stay true to ourselves. That said, with the Sun in Gemini we're urged...
You may be hesitating about a new venture, but today’s events should spur you on. Long-term plans take time to filter through, but when current difficulties clear, the way will be paved towards the fulfilment of a long-held childhood...