Capricorn Horoscope for July 2024

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Your July 2024 Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

The full moon on July 21 will fall in Capricorn, 29 degrees, a degree of completion. Something dearly important to you is coming to a finish, and because this is a friendly full moon, from where I sit I feel you will like the news you receive. Uranus will be in a beautiful trine aspect to the full moon and friendly to the Sun too, indicating an unexpected development that could thrill you. A relationship seems to be going especially well, and as a side bonus to this full moon, you may see a generous sum of money.

Mars, traveling close to Uranus in the same fifth house of love and romance, will also trine the full moon, indicating you may get unusually strong support for your plans from your family. Alternatively, you may have luck with property matters.

This is the second full moon in a row, exactly one month apart, from when the moon crested in Capricorn on June 21, so it appears you are wrapping up a matter dear to your heart, nestled deep within you.

The full moon will clarify your feelings, and if you aren’t sure about which way to go, the full moon will give you a strong hint of the direction. This full moon points to something so personal to you that even I cannot see precisely what it might be. If you don’t know what it could be either, the universe will show you on or within five days AFTER (not before) the full moon arrives on July 21.

See Another Sign’s Monthly Horoscope:

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