Cancer Monthly Horoscope

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How’s it going there, Crab? If you’ve been burrowed in the sand for the last month or so, you may claw your way out of that little cave. Come see the sunshine, bask in your season and celebrate your birthday! The Sun is in Cancer until July 22, there’s a Cancer new moon on July 5—and it’s YOUR season to call the shots, even if you do it in a flowier, more easygoing way.

Our advice: Conserve your energy and expend it wisely. You might still be adjusting to Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, lounging in Gemini and your introspective twelfth house, where it’s been since May 20. The next 11 months are a bit like an incubator, or a celestial sabbatical. It’s a cycle that happens for all zodiac signs once every 12 years. When Jupiter visits the sign right before yours, it’s a time of rest and reckoning as you wrap up a decade-long cycle and prepare for a new one. 

When Jupiter lands in Cancer on June 9, 2025, fresh starts await! Until then, much of your energy will go into healing, bringing closure and letting go of the lingering stuff that you’ve outgrown. If you’re sleepier or more introspective than usual, that’s a side effect of Jupiter in your restful twelfth house. It’s also an important signal to turn inward, tap into your creative side and lean in to this restorative time.

For the first three weeks of July, your inner oracle is coming alive with hits of inspiration about the future—perfect for some Pinterest-board-style visualization. What does your ideal schedule look like, for example? How would you feel if your life had more white space in it? Free-writing in your journal can also lead to helpful insights. Cancer, we don’t need to tell YOU that it’s not frivolous or indulgent to connect with your emotions, especially with nurturing Venus nestled up in your first house of new beginnings through July 11. Let your feelings be your GPS as you take inventory of the relationships and responsibilities you want to bring along on your next trip around the Sun.

Do any of your supersized plans feel a little too lofty to pull off? Don’t immediately give up your dream, Cancer, but DO break it down into bite-sized steps or create smaller milestones. On July 2, hazy Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces and your expansive ninth house until December 7, joining outer planets Saturn and Pluto in their annual reversals for the rest of the summer. Plans around travel, entrepreneurship and study might take a different course than expected. You may need to scale down a little if you’ve rushed ahead of yourself. Take the time to conduct due diligence over the next five months. Anything worth doing is worth doing right! 

Got a favorite vacation or retreat spot by the water? Since retrogrades rule the past, this is an ideal summer to revisit this place. Bonus points if your journeys involve personal growth work or metaphysical study. If your budget allows for it, perhaps you’ll be able to travel or attend a workshop with a healer or inspirational teacher. Snag a spot in your favorite yogi’s island retreat for next winter and score the early-bird pricing.

On a deeper level, Neptune’s backstroke through your ninth house of religion and culture could have you reexamining your lived experience. How have you deviated from your parents’ life philosophies and belief systems to make room for your truth to shine through? The wisdom passed down through generations isn’t limited to just scripture. It includes learned values that help calibrate your moral compass. Questions to consider: Were you raised in an environment that conflated being “nice” (read: meek) with being a good person? Was a prevailing mentality around service and responsibility to others drilled into your psyche? Where does your family’s influence end, and where does the REAL you begin? Not an easy thing to tease apart, no matter how individuated you might fancy yourself.

Neptune rolling back the fog can help clear the path for a more expanded worldview. Like the late Cancerian Anthony Bourdain, you may spend the summer traveling the globe being your own social anthropologist. That trip down memory lane could help steer your ship in a more aligned direction—especially when the annual Cancer new moon on July 5 begins a fresh six-month cycle for you. 

This marks your personal new year, a time to identify what you’d like to accomplish between now and your next birthday. Dream big! Sure, you probably made resolutions like the rest of us on January 1, but you can leave ‘em in the rearview if they don’t inspire you. This is YOUR moment to turn to a clean page in your life and initiate endeavors that matter to you on a deeply personal level. 

With the new moon activating your personal style zone, you could also be inspired to play with new looks. Forget those strappy stilettos that held your feet hostage and opt for this summer’s hiking “It” sandal—a whimsical throwback to your childhood beach ‘fit that could serve you well on that aforementioned island escape!

For more health-conscious Crabs, this new moon could kick-start a renewed focus on bodycare and fitness. Sign up for a neighborhood race you’ve previously eyed from the sidelines. Get on a course of supplements or collagen that make your hair shine and skin glow. Whatever goals you embark upon will come to fruition by next January, making this new moon an opportune starting point.

By the time mid-month rolls around, you’ll be itching to act on those intentions. Cancer may be an initiating cardinal sign, but you can still hesitate to enact sweeping changes if it means disrupting your comfort or stepping on anyone’s toes. On July 15, however, activator Mars and disruptor Uranus converge in Taurus and your eleventh house of social alliances. This dynamic duo could find you jumping into a cutting-edge collaboration at warp speed. You might also abruptly part ways with a friend group or professional network. 

This isn’t the first time Mars and Uranus have come together in your aspirational eleventh house. They last united here in August 2022 with the north node (destiny point), as part of a combustible cocktail that brought significant change. But this will be the last time that these planets meet up in Taurus in our lifetimes, making it an important turning point around your friendships and future plans. 

A digital venture could rocket forward at lightning speed on or near July 15. Head-spinning shifts within your social and work groups can happen in the blink of an eye. You might even find yourself stepping into a team leadership role, helming a community cause or taking a meeting with an angel investor.

This isn’t brand-new, Crab. Uranus the awakener has been rolling through your widely connected eleventh house since 2018, disrupting and unearthing relationships that don’t match your frequency. Don’t be surprised if you start outright resisting entrenched social expectations and leaning into more authentic self-expression. Instead of habitually collecting relationships like antiques, your attention has likely evolved toward nurturing more meaningful one-on-one connections. 

Consider this the “shell-break” your soul desperately needs—especially when assertive Mars moves into Gemini and your twelfth house of endings on July 20 AND forms a 120-degree trine to transformative Pluto shortly after. You could have a powerful intuitive download, maybe even a psychic flash. Trust your instincts, Crab. They’ve never steered your sign wrong!

Mars will trek through Gemini and your twelfth house of healing, rest and conclusions until September 4, joining Jupiter amidst its year-long incubation. If you have a spiritual or artistic gift, this Mars transit could be a dynamic time to develop it—and gain a following! Your relationships could be a rich source of inspiration for your creative pursuits. Give yourself the luxury of time and solitude for ideas to marinate.

This powerful trine also serves as the backdrop for the July 21 Capricorn full moon illuminating your seventh house of committed partnerships. You experienced the first Capricorn full moon on June 21—the second of summer’s rare, back-to-back pair of full moons in this sign. Consider this the encore to any exciting developments that took place then. 

Whether in business or romance, this bonus full moon helps you make clear-eyed decisions about your most important ties. Is it time to sign on the dotted line…or are you simply not on the same page for the long haul? Perhaps a few issues need to be discussed and renegotiated before you can comfortably move forward. La luna can help you bring those out into the open.

On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo and your practical, finance-minded second house for a month. Talk about a follow-up to the full moon! A note of caution: Tensions could flare the next day (July 23), when the Sun forms its annual opposition to shadowy Pluto in your eighth house of intimacy and investments, driving up egos, unconscious fears and power struggles. 

You’re working hard to make a living, but what are you doing with those funds? If you’re on the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle or struggling to pay down debt, this is your wakeup call. Book a discovery session with a financial planner or make arrangements with a creditor. If you’re flush, don’t squander your bounty on increased living costs. Instead, make some sensible plans to grow your nest egg. In your personal life, a fixation could become all-consuming. Knock knock, Cancer, anyone home? If you’ve forgotten YOUR worth or gotten swept up in someone else’s chaos, it’s time for a self-esteem boost. 

With the Sun spending the rest of July in your grounded second house, you could find yourself taking a more pragmatic approach to life. Whether your calendar’s cluttered with too many obligations or your expenses have gotten higher than you’d like, simplify and prioritize. Revamp your daily routines to support your overall sense of balance. It’s important to get work done, but it’s equally vital to make sure you eat well, move regularly and rest. When’s the last time you had a massage or bodywork done? Leo season gives you permission to prioritize and pamper yourself, a reward for all your diligent efforts. 

Are you craving more recognition for your work? You take pride in a job well done, Crab. However, when wounded healer Chiron turns retrograde on July 26 in your ambitious tenth house, you might start looking to put more soul into your career goals.

As an empathic Cancer, it’s not enough for you to collect a paycheck. You want to feel like you’re helping people or bettering their lives in some way. Chiron retrograde will support you in an exploration of what’s most important to you. Own a business? It’s a perfect time to hire an executive coach or a branding pro. Do some serious soul-searching between now and December 29, when Chiron resumes forward motion—let your conscience be your guide. Remember, Crab: This is a process!

Turning heads without trying? Check! Venus starts the month off in your sign, making you an irresistible magnet. Ready to be romanced, wooed and pursued—or will you be the one initiating? It won’t matter. You’ll be channeling your inner Aphrodite, riding high on the waves of romance, creativity and desire.

Give yourself the care you typically reserve for others and lean into your “soft girl era,” a TikTok trend that was practically invented for your sign. With Venus moving through Cancer in your first house of appearances, you might be inspired to overhaul your style and add more glamor to your life and look. Whether you’re considering a chic new haircut or refreshed headshots for your dating profile, break out of your typically guarded shell and capitalize on your supercharged magnetism. 

By the time relationship-oriented Venus moves into Leo and your second house of stability and self-worth on July 11, you could find yourself a little obsessive about commitment—especially with Venus opposing fervent Pluto in your intimate eighth house the day after switching signs. Information revealed near July 3 (when Mercury stared down Pluto as it entered Leo) could resurface as part of conversations.

Single Crabs might be itching to “define the relationship” while others could be battling insecurities about love. Couples experiencing financial stress might find themselves locked in a tense battle. Since Pluto rules the subconscious, be mindful of old trust issues that could surface. It’s fair game to talk about money, the future and underlying fears, but set some ground rules, and if things get heated, call a timeout. 

Although circumstances feel challenging, Pluto ultimately offers an opportunity to alchemize fear and uncertainty into confidence. Instead of a breakdown, transformative Pluto can provide a much-needed relationship breakthrough—especially with Mars and liberating Uranus meeting up in your arena of long-term priorities on July 15. Be clear about your needs instead of passive-aggressively going along with someone else’s agenda, and you’ll be able to shine a light on a more stable path forward. 

Mars has been intentionally plodding through your future-oriented eleventh house since June 9, prepping the soil for more fertile social contracts to blossom. Sever ties with old connections or patterns that don’t prioritize your heart when Mars switches into Gemini and your twelfth house of closure from July 20 to September 4. This is a powerful phase for healing and forgiveness. Do some processing and release work around your past (pay your childhood memories a visit) and see if you can connect the dots. What lingering relationship fears or insecurities can you rinse out of your psyche?

The July 21 Capricorn full moon will help offer clarity around your partnerships. With la luna illuminating your partnership-focused seventh house, you may finally be able to arrive at clear-eyed decisions about an important tie. Is it time to level the relationship up or wind the arrangement down? You experienced the first Capricorn full moon on June 21. Expect this second of a pair of rare, back-to-back full moons to build on relationship developments that surfaced then. 

Put your stamp on it, Crab! July spotlights your most profitable passion projects—or the ones you have yet to build. With Venus in creative Cancer and Mars in business-savvy Taurus at the beginning of the month, money and creativity are on your mind. The July 5 Cancer new moon would be the perfect day for a launch or to kick off a new initiative that you’re feeling pumped about. Whether it’s getting your Etsy shop up and running or establishing your role as a spiritual healer in your community, endeavors initiated at this time will unfold over the next six months, making this a cosmically timed opportunity to harmonize your paycheck with purpose. 

Feeling the urge to get your ideas out to a wider audience? Activator Mars is blazing through your eleventh house of groups and digital ventures through mid-month. Tech projects could develop at the speed of light. Boost your social media presence, polish up online profiles and tap into your network to help spread the word. 

This is a fruitful time for networking—especially as ambitious Mars links up with shock jock Uranus on July 15, the last time these two planetary forces will unite in our lifetime. Consider this a meaningful turning point around your future plans and strategic alliances. By the time Mars moves into Gemini and your subconscious twelfth house on July 20, you’ll be more empowered to ditch limiting narratives and fear holding your potential back.

Ready to make an alliance official? At the July 21 Capricorn full moon, you could move an offer to contract phase, reel in a big client or solidify an exciting brand partnership. This full moon supports you in committing to anything that’s long-term and mutually beneficial. As for the things that don’t resonate or feel fair? Use these moonbeams to negotiate a better arrangement. If you can’t find a way to make it work for both of you, the Capricorn full moon can help you part ways or shift to a different relationship structure—one where nobody feels held back. 

This summer will also feature a period of soul-searching around your career and legacy. Wounded healer Chiron turns retrograde on July 26 in Aries and your ambitious tenth house. As an empathic Cancer, you’re motivated by caring and your sense of service. Instead of merely collecting a routine paycheck, you want to feel like you’re helping people or bettering their lives in some way. Chiron’s retrograde through December 29 will support you in an exploration of what’s most important to you at the deepest level.

Love Days: 15, 21

Money Days: 26, 7

Luck Days: 5, 24

Off Days: 3, 17, 22

See All Signs

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